Saturday, June 23, 2018


Long time blog readers may remember Adib Khorram, a regular commenter and contest entrant from several years back. If you're wondering what happened to him, he was busy writing a novel. Let's just say, I'm not surprised Adib wrote a great book, not surprised at all. But I'm totally in awe of his story telling skills, his command of craft, and how real yet entertaining this book is. In other words, this is a total sox knocker for 2018. I'm not alone in my opinion: Darius the Great is Not Okay was also a BuzzBook pick at BEA this year. That's a pretty singular honor: only five or six books are chosen. It goes on sale in August, but I'm glad to start talking about it early AND give away this purloined ARC to the winner of the flash fiction contest this weekend.

The usual rules apply:
1. Write a story using 100 words or fewer.
2. Use these words in the story:  Iran  Adib  tea  dad  great
Steve Forti must also incorporate this prompt word: infusion
3. You must use the whole word, but that whole word can be part of a larger word. The letters for the
prompt must appear in consecutive order. They cannot be backwards. Thus: tea/teal is ok, but dad/dead is not.
4. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post.
5. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan (a do-over) erase your entry and post again. It helps to work out your entry first, then post.
11. You agree that your contest entry can remain posted on the blog for the life of the blog. In other words, you can't later ask me to delete the entry and any comments about the entry at a later date.
12. The stories must be self-contained. That is: do not include links or footnotes to explain any part of the story. Those extras will not be considered part of the story.

Contest opens: 6:43am, Saturday, June 23, 2018 * Contest closes: 9am, Sunday, June 24, 2018

My entry:


Y’know I’m great at crossword puzzles, right, boss?

Go on.

Well, I was waiting for the train, doing a puzzle and got really stumped. Six letters. Starts with “t.” ‘Not infusion tea.’ Then I ran into this egghead. He said, “Tisane.” He said he’s applying for a job here.


And I missed my train as I was writing tisane.

Did you get his name?

No, sir.

Egghead? I bet it was Steve Forti.

You know him?

As of this morning, Steve is our new copy director.

But, Dad, that’s MY job!

Not anymore. Steve was on time.


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