Sunday, January 10, 2016


Janet's Reid's Flash fiction writing contest 
I read a terrific book over the holiday break that will be our prize for the first flash fiction contest of the new year. BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT by Neal Griffin 

The usual rules, plus the new one #12, apply: 
1. Write a story using 100 words or fewer. 
2. Use these words in the story: absorb,  execute,  bold,  shim,  chill 
3. You must use the whole word, but that whole word can be part of a larger word. The letters for the prompt must appear in consecutive order. They cannot be backwards. Thus: shim/shimmer is ok, but shim/shrimp is not 
4. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post. 
5. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan (a do-over) erase your entry and post again. It helps to work out your entry first, then post. 
7. Titles count as part of the word count (you don't need a title) 
11. You agree that your contest entry can remain posted on the blog for the life of the blog. In other words, you can't later ask me to delete the entry and any comments about the entry at a later date. 
12. The stories must be self-contained. That is: do not include links or footnotes to explain any part of the story. Those extras will not be considered part of the story. 

                Contest opens: Saturday 1/9/16 10am Contest closes: Sunday, 1/10/16, 10am

My Entry:

We were flying to Chillicothe to execute our mother’s will. 
“I’m still trying to absorb Mother is dead and you’re divvying up our inheritance?”
“Oh, posh. Imagine yourself in her fab Oldsmobile convertible. We’re talking vintage 1958 in mint condition.”
“I should’ve been nicer to her.”
“I want her china.”
“We argued our last phone call.”
“And her silver.”
“What if that caused her heart attack?”
“And her jewelry.”
“OHMYGOD, I killed her!”
“Get a grip! She was a miserable battleaxe.”
[sigh] “True, nobody got along with her.”
“Now, about the Olds…”
“I would look good in it, wouldn’t I.”


AND THE WINNER IS... Not I, but my "Chillicothe" was recognized as an "innovative" use of the prompt word chill.


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