Saturday, September 17, 2022


 The Change It Up Flash Fiction contest!

Janet Reid:  Long time blog reader Kitty Myers and I had a quick exchange about prologues/usefulness thereof, and I had a light bulb moment.

How about we have a flash fiction contest that isn't prompt words, but a prompt concept? To wit: Write something that creates tension, and makes us want to know more.

The usual rules apply:

      1. Write something that grabs us and creates tension in 100 words or fewer.

4. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post.

5. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan (a do-over) erase your entry and post again. 

Contest opens: Saturday, 9/17/22 10:00am EDT  ~~  Contest closes: Sunday, 9/18/22 10:00am EDT

About my entry...

My entry is the prologue to a story I wrote called "I'm Clicking My Ruby Red Shoes." It's 16,000 words, which is the second longest piece of fiction I've written. It's about 34 y-0 Susie Maguire who has her hands full with the people in her life. When her psychologist told her, “Susie is a cutesy name… for your mature years,” she vowed she’d never see him again. Then he ended up alone in life and in the hospital. She took pity on him and began visiting him, and that’s when they both began to heal. 

(My entry is 50 words.)

My fifteen-year-old son Donovan told his teacher I had been killed.

My fourteen-year-old daughter Erin chugs Maalox.

 My husband Jack is preoccupied,

 my mother Grace is aloof,

 my Grandmother Whitney is dying,

 and my psychologist Eugene refuses to say my first name.

 So I talk to Mrs. Nussbaum, who’s dead.

