Saturday, July 4, 2020

Two neighbor ladies rockin’ on the porch…

Janet Reid is runnin' another Flash Fiction Contest!
My clients have learned to fear email from me that has the subject line: I have this idea! I revised that from "I have this great idea" several years back when I realized I should let them decide if it was great or not.

So, I have this idea! Instead of prompt words, how about a choice of three prompt sentences? (great, right??)

These rules apply:
1. Write a story using 100 words or fewer.
2. Use one of these prompts in the story. It does not have to be the start or the finish, BUT the words must be in order. You don't need to include the author of the phrases.
1)  when you spot an orchid cactus at the grocery store, you bring it home.—Luralee
2) "Do the laundry or die!" —french sojourn (Henry) 
          3)  holy cow, that's a lot of empties. —nightmusic (Althea)

3. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post.

Contest opens:  9am, Saturday, 7/4/20  ~~ Contest closes: 9am, Sunday, 7/5/20

Two neighbor ladies rockin’ on the porch…

Mable: “Sweet Jesus, you killed another plant.”

Erline: “Luralee bought it at the Piggly Wiggly, claims I tol’ her when you spot an orchid cactus at the grocery store, you bring it home. I never said no such thing. She’s just tryin’ to wiggle out of doin’ the shoppin’.   Pardon me… HENRY,  DO THE LAUNDRY OR DIE!

Althea lugs a basket of bottles to the curb. “Recyclin’ things are out, Mama.”

Mable: “Holy cow, that’s a lot of empties.

Erline: “Raisin’ three youngins is hard work. Is it any wonder I drink?”


No winner yet -- Janet wants the Reiders' input first -- but I did get Kudos for using all three prompts